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- Multiple commercial videos featuring different industry professionnals who accepted to talk about their needs and expectations from the new website.
Speech & tone:
- Play with the ambiguity and the mystery about the new website. Using humor and excitement, people talk about their expectations as if they was talking about something else.
- Be surprised by the new Mondadori Publicité website, reflecting the boldness of the company.
- Create expectation and desire for the new website and demonstrate it's an important platform for industry professional.
- Present the new website which is already well known to its users.
Mondadori is a leader press magazine publishing in France. It has its own advertising sales agency named Mondodari Publicité. To be more adapted to the digital needs of their users who are media and communication professionals, the company has redesigned its website.

« Et il devra être... Euh... Enfin voilà quoi !! »

« Qu’il aille droit au but »

« Moi du moment qu’il est riche »

« Il faudra qu’il soit beau »

« La largeur... »

« Il va falloir qu’il soit vraiment bien foutu »

« Qu’il soit très... Ah !! »

« Qu’il me donne envie »

« Il faudrait qu’il soit... Pfff voilà »

« Moi je les aime quand ils sont intelligents »

Accompagnement sur écrans lors de salons professionnels
Campagne Youtube ciblant les professionnels de l'industrie
Bannières web (google, facebook)
Campagne d'emailing à destination des professionnels concernés
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