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- Visual identity and the magazine’s editorial design based of a prototype issue.
Creation of the newspaper using a humuristic tone
- Editorial design for the first district's issue
- The logo and the fonts, according to the title and the content, were created with a team of three artistic directors. The illustration work and the choice of the journalistic format to take typical daily newspaper was a team effort. The goal of the easy and dynamic charts were to arouse curiosity and keep the approach simple.
Arrière Plan is a monthly newspaper about Bagnolet, a commune in the suburbs of Paris. Each issue is dedicated to one of the city’s districts and a special event. The approach has for goal to highlight the living environment of the neighbourhood and the solidarity between the locals. Also, the newspaper offers a profile of the neighbourhood with data.
Editorial Design

Dynamic layout following the idea of a journey through an event
Chronology of an investigation in the field in a photographic way
Portrait of a personality who represents the event and the issue
Simple and funny iconography to balance with serious informations

Font creation
Reference font:
Trade Gothic Bold Condensed

Font n°1

Font n°2

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